Professor Alissa Goodman CBE
Study Director, UK
Alissa is the UK Director of Generation New Era and is based at University College London. She’s an economist and studies inequalities across the life course including in early childhood. Alissa is in overall charge of the study. She is also the Director of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies, which also runs many of UK’s cohort studies, including birth cohorts born in 1958, 1970 and 2000.

Professor Lisa Calderwood
Survey Director
Lisa is the Survey Director of Generation New Era and is based at University College London. She’s an expert in designing and implementing cohort studies. Lisa makes sure the survey runs smoothly and that the study is representative of all families across the UK. She has previously been the director of another national cohort study in England called Next Steps.

Professor Pasco Fearon
Scientific Director
Pasco is the Scientific Director of Generation New Era, based at both University College London and the University of Cambridge. He is an expert in early child development and a Clinical Psychologist. Pasco leads the process for deciding which questions will be asked about in the interviews. He is also the director of another national birth cohort study in England called Children of the 2020s.

Dr Lucy Griffiths
Study Director, Wales
Lucy is the Study Director for Wales and is based at Swansea University. Her research focuses on the health of children and young people. Lucy helps with the running of the study in Wales and advises on adding information from administrative records.

Dr Orla McBride
Study Director, Northern Ireland
Orla is the Study Director for Northern Ireland and is based at Ulster University. Her research has focused on studying physical and mental health. Orla helps with the running of the study in Northern Ireland.

Professor Rebecca Reynolds
Study Director, Scotland
Rebecca is the Study Director for Scotland and is based at the University of Edinburgh. Her research explores how experiences in pregnancy can affect the health of children as they grow up. Rebecca helps with the running of the study in Scotland and advises on collecting health information. She is also developing another birth cohort study called Born in Scotland.

Dr Erica Wong
Research lead
Erica is the lead researcher for the study and is based at University College London. She had previously worked on the 1958 and 1970 birth cohort studies. On Generation New Era, she leads on designing the questionnaires and works closely with Ipsos to make sure the survey happens to plan.

Dr Alyce Raybould
Participant engagement lead
Alyce is the lead for participant engagement with the study and is based at University College London. Her research has looked at the motivations and barriers to participating in birth cohort studies. She uses this research to ensure everyone has the chance to be heard in Generation New Era. She helps the team design the booklets and letters you receive in the post, and this website.

Karen Dennison
Data access lead
Karen is the data access lead for Generation New Era and is based at University College London. She is responsible for seeking all the needed approvals from ethics committees and special committees for data sharing from government departments. She is also an expert in the process of adding information from administrative records to survey data.

Julia Pye
Project Manager, Ipsos
Julia is the Project Manager at Ipsos, who are carrying out the interviews for Generation New Era. She has previously worked on lots of large surveys including the 2000 birth cohort study. On Generation New Era, she manages the study at Ipsos, and plans the interviewer training and how the fieldwork interviews are done.

Anjuli Wright
Fieldwork Lead, Ipsos
Anjuli is the Fieldwork Lead at Ipsos. She works in the team who manage the interviewers. On Generation New Era, she is responsible for making sure the interviews are carried out properly and that the fieldwork timetable is met.

Sam Clemens
Project Director, Ipsos
Sam is the Project Director at Ipsos. Sam supervises all the large surveys that Ipsos carries out. Sam has been closely involved in setting up the questionnaires and planning how the fieldwork for Generation New Era will be carried out.